Friday, June 22, 2007


hey ppl.hope ur 2 weeks break are good.some has taken the opportunity to catch up on study.some are study.some are chilling and going out wif friends.the 2 weeks break is gonna end soon and skool is gonna when skool starts back, dun so stress stress.come band for stress relief.^^

update on band stuff

there is no more year 1 junior prac on every wed.instead it has become such that every alternate week there would be woodwind sectionals and brass sectionals with laoshi.

ur days to come are as follow:
27 june-woodwind
11 july-woodwind
25 july-woodwind

and so on.

therefore all of u will need to come every tue and thur practise every week and attend the wed as scheduled.

tue and thur same timing 6.30pm to punctual please.if late, please lemme know.

any enquiries can come to me.


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